Pweety Pweety Moment! xD

Pweety Pweety Moment! xD

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


U guys!!! OMGiee!! I AM BACK IN SG!! YAY!! okay, i was back since 3 months agoooo,but who cares?? hahahaha.. okay.. PSLE was kinda in the way of these awesome moments typingg.... well... IMMA SO HAPPY TO BE BACK XD hahah.. I MISS YASIR SOOOOOOOOO MUCH! Seeing her tmr... so yeahh... #swagisinme



Friday, February 4, 2011

Too Much!

OW MA GAWD!!! It's been like a year since i posted in you! Dang, imma getting old... the prob is I'm in Jakarta and yea i got alot of hw and stuffies... but i am so happeh u guys still followed me! Thankies! :D Okay... to all Grade Sixes, How is ur preperation for PSLE??!! Well, my PSLE in May... Sad right?? no larhs... Okay just study hard and don't try and stead stead kayys???


Ili <3

Too Much!